Thursday, August 27, 2015

Random Projects

When we first moved to Denmark we brought very little with us.  The apartments here all have white walls so I needed to make some pretty things to hang on the walls to make it feel less bare.  I get a lot of compliments on the toilet paper art.  I have friends who argue over who gets it when I move home, lol!  

This project was decoupaged onto a canvas.  I cut out the pieces from paper.

This project was made of toilet paper rolls, glue together and spray painted.  I cut the rolls into 1 inch pieces and glued them together.  We hung it on the wall here for a year and a half and it started to sag.  I had to hot glue it to a piece of cardboard but now it looks better than ever.  This took lots of glue and clothespins but turned out great.

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